Legal Services

Other Legal Representation

  • Our overarching imperative is the pursuit of economic and social
    justice for the impoverished.
  • We aim to achieve this goal through educating and defending every
    individual who approaches our Institution with a valid legal and/or
    entrepreneurial matter. More, by exposing all opportunities available
    to this undeserved sector to enable self-reliance. Our default model
    is representing our clients outside the courtroom.
  • In the event of a low-cost entrepreneur encountering transactional
    difficulties with a private company and/or government institution
    and/or an individual, the Transactional Law Clinic will first attempt
    Alternate Dispute Resolution strategies outside the courtroom;
  • Litigation will be explored as an absolute last resort should all other
    amicable attempts fail to resolve the issue;
  • Our clients’ rights will be protected and defended at all costs.